Changing the Game: The $6 Hair Cut Trap
Being in the marketing business, I notice a lot of ads. But a few years ago, one commercial made itself particularity memorable.
The commercial tells the story of Dave, a barber shop owner in small town USA. Dave has been in business for years and charges $25 per haircut. One day, a competing chain opens a trendy new salon across the street. Their grand opening sign screams in big letters:
Now Dave is faced with two options. Adjust his price, or keep his rate of $25.
In a wise move, the barber buys a large sign and hangs it outside his shop. The sign simply reads:
Soon after, the competition closes their doors for good. And we applaud Dave’s for sticking to his guns. But why did Dave’s sign work? Let’s take a closer look at our barber-shop hero’s strategy. Dave:
Changed the game. Recognized his worth. Positioned his brand.
If you’re facing a similar situation as Dave, my encouragement to you is this:
Change the game– Stop competing on the other guy’s terms. There is always going to be someone willing to do the same job for a lower price. And while change is a part of growth, don’t compromise quality for the sake of the sale.
Recognize your worth– Figure out what sets you apart from competition and do it well. Value what your customers value and they will go where the value is.
Position your brand– Your marketing should always be supporting who you are and what you’re about. Start with a solid marketing strategy that clearly communicates your value to your ideal customer . Don’t keep it a secret. Make yourself easy to find, especially online.
When you consistently offer real value, your customers, and your bottom line, will thank you.
Did your website get a bad haircut? We can fix that.
Drop us a note and let us know how we can help.