
Why the Death of the Yellow Pages Is Great for Business

Long live digital marketing!

Death of the Yellow Pages

We’re living in the age of online search engines. Which is distressing for many businesses, who relied on safe, expected marketing methods like spammy
mass mailers, boring ads on TV, magazines, and radio – and print directories like the Yellow Pages.

“How are we going to find customers now?” they panic.

But don’t lament the old Yellow Pages phone books – because today’s marketing is so much better for business (and customers). Why? Because instead of searching
for ways to get in front of people (who may or may not be the target market you want), digital marketing is all about reaching out to and connecting
with the right people.

Here are just some of the ways that digital marketing leaves the old-school Yellow Pages in the dust:

  1. Website – The potential for business websites is astounding. More informative than a company brochure, more in-depth than a simple
    listing, more genuine than a cheesy ad headline – a business website can help you really show potential customers who you are and what you do.
    And rather than relying on a print directory’s authority, you can build your own authority with informative blog posts, downloadable resources,
    and customer testimonials.
  2. Search Engine Optimization – You can find customers who are looking for you, looking for
    what you offer, or are just looking for answers. You can even capture people who are looking for any of these things who are physically nearby.
    Did a tiny text box or crowded Yellow Pages ad do that? No matter what today’s searchers are looking for, you can get them to your website and
    your business much more effectively than hoping they stumbled upon you in that giant directory.
  3. Social Media – No longer do big brands, with their giant TV/print/radio ad budgets, monopolize brand recognition among customers.
    With social media, you can cultivate and nurture your own camp of incredibly loyal fans. And with social
    media, it’s easier than ever for them to shout your praises to their friends and families. Better yet, with social media, you can get more immediate,
    direct feedback from your customers.
  4. Email Marketing – Ever wish you didn’t have to send out a massive direct mailer to reach those customers you really wanted to? Now,
    with email, it’s easier than ever – and because strong email marketing only targets those who have provided their email addresses, you know that
    these are people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

So if you’re worried about your business’s marketing after the death of the Yellow Pages and old school marketing, say, “Good riddance,” and contact Splash
Omnimedia for a proposal today – and learn how we can transform your marketing and get you real results.

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