Meet Splash Omnimedian, Chuck Webb!
Chuck Webb joined the Splash Omnimedia team in 2016. When he’s not building stellar search engine marketing campaigns or creating paid ads on social media, Chuck enjoys reading, visiting local museums, and spending time with his friends and family. We had the opportunity to sit down with Chuck and learn some fun facts about him.
Where are you from?
St. Petersburg, Florida
What’s your favorite food?
I love tacos! Taco Tuesday is my favorite day of the week.
What do you do at Splash?
I deliver relevant messages to well-targeted audiences and reflect on the results of our campaigns.
Have you learned anything about yourself while working here?
This industry is constantly changing, so you have to be willing to always be learning.
What’s one interesting thing about you?
I grew up in a family with four sisters, all older than me. Being the only boy, I basically had five Moms. But, hey, I’m grateful for it!
What moments can you think of that have shaped your life?
I had major surgery at 16, and it taught me to appreciate my life and to be grateful for being healthy.
If you were to write an autobiography, what would it be titled?
But wait, There is More!
What are you most thankful for?
My family and all that I have been blessed with.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A wise soul guiding people to become their best personally and professionally.